The Global Executive NetworkThe Global Executive NetworkThe Global Executive Network

Professional Council Executive Dinner

Duties of the Professional Council

The Professional Council of GEN - The Global Executive Network monitors the professional quality of the Events. The principal goals are to refine the topic contents and to recognize new trends in their early stages so that they can be developed quickly into Events. This means that GEN - The Global Executive Network Events are always extremely market-relevant.

The Professional Council was established in October 2006. It is composed of managers from different industries who illuminate Events and Event topics from their individual points of view. GEN - The Global Executive Network Events benefit from the many years of experience of the Professional Council members in a wide variety of industries and the concentration of this know-how. Regular meetings and supplemental telephone conferences ensure efficient, rapid, and targeted collaboration.

The Members of the Professional Council

Reji Mathew

Reji Mathew
"GEN – in short, is the most unique and refreshing concept that opens your eyes to what networking truly means. The concept is portable to carry into the future to create a lasting relationship to bring you to the next level of your own corporate goals long after the dinner. It truly is a pleasure and honor to be affiliated with GEN!"

David Walter

David Walter
"My first experience with GEN as an invitee to one of their Executive Dinners left me with such fantastic impression about them. So much so, I felt compelled to contact them and get more personally involved. These events bring together a small group of professionals across multiple industries, and the focus of the evening is most notably about creating and fostering valuable and very personal professional networks. The topics that are discussed are incredibly thought provoking and you will find yourself amongst quite senior and very likeminded and innovative people."


Eric Clurfain
"In a world and markets driven by continuous change, speed, innovation and globalization, influential leaders of multinational organizations more so then ever need effective tools that, in a snapshot, can help them navigate the intricacies of their businesses by gaining access to cross-industry knowledge and efficient networking with their peers from across the globe. These are the unique characteristics that GEN - The Global Executive Network offers its members through its exclusive multicultural platform of events."

Andreas Blass

Andreas Blass
"In today's global world and multi-cultural business society professional interaction and viewpoints on essential issues are vital for progress and innovation. The Advisory Board of 'GEN - The Global Executive Network' perfectly reflects this and is a perfect platform to promote and distribute those critical success values."  

Philippe Signer

Philippe Signer
"When markets, customer needs and expectations are constantly changing, strategies and planning assumptions need frequent updates and modifications. Networking, cross-industry exchange of ideas and innovations and sharing experiences therefore become more and more important. GEN- The Global Executive Network is the ideal platform and institution."

Philippe Perrodin

Philippe Perrodin
"When I was approached to join GEN - The Global Executive Network, I immediately was positive for the opportunity given to exchange views with business colleagues, benchmark and contribute.  As an active member I look forward to expanding the concept."

Benedict Ang

Benedict Ang
"I find it amazing how GEN is so committed in bringing the brightest people from such diverse industries, cultures and experiences to a single venue, to share an evening together. At their events, among other things one would always find opportunities to be able to connect with each other, sharing expertise, experiences and ideas, learning new thought perspectives (innovation) from each other. It is this “open connectivity” which I believe really fosters the sharing of new raw ideas - potentially seeds for a real collaborative business opportunity. It is such a privilege to be able to be part of the council to extend this dream further."

Dagmar Grossmann

Dagmar Grossmann
"I find GEN - The Global Executive Network extremely valuable tool for business as networking is an important part of it. It helps to meet many interesting people, interact with them, share experiences on top level, find new contacts and develop and maintain old ones." 

Eike Martini

Eike Martini
"GEN has refined the networking idea to perfection and out of a highly professional approach creates benefits for every participant. What fascinates me is that you never know beforehand where the discussion will go to and what you will take home with you. As the network and the ideas are continuously growing and the process is optimized continuously I am really proud to contribute to this success."

Alexander Krotz

Alexander Krotz
"Networking is important, and in fast-moving industries its indispensable – everyone realizes that now. The 'Global Executive Network' concept is unique and opens completely new avenues for coming into contact with other people in the same industry, in an appropriate and style-conscious context. I was won over by this concept at my first Executive Dinner. Im happy to contribute my ideas as a member of the Professional Council." 

Martina Rothe Obregon

Martina Rothe Obregon
"Never before has the world been so interconnected and never before has the world changed more rapidly than nowadays. An open, collaborative mindset is the basis to operate successfully in todays business environment. As member of the advisory board at 'GEN - The Global Executive Network', I am looking forward to interacting with professionals from diverse fields and hope to enrich the advisory board with my broad experiences in the area of International Marketing in leading global FMCG companies." 

Tom Coley

Tom Coley
"In an ever changing business world, where complexity is increasing exponentially, the role that GEN - The Global Executive Network (GEN) is playing through customized events has never been more appropriate and timely in helping business tackle the myriad of changes through knowledge transfer and networking."

Mark Lisso

Mark Lisso
"More than ever before our world is accelerating, product life cycles are becoming shorter and all dimensions of information management are playing a key role, affecting our success at personal, family, company and governmental level. Time as a resource is truly now comparable to a gem - rare and precious. It is here that GEN adds tremendous value providing an excellent frame to spend high quality time with top level peers, to exchange ideas and forge new relationships. Simplicity has the power to create beauty - that is GEN."

Heiko Scharding

Heiko Scharding
"'GEN - The Global Executive Network' events allow me to to learn about current trends quickly and without complications. In particular, the exchanges with participants from a wide variety of industries are of enormous value to me. As Council member, I enjoy collaborating on future-oriented topics and innovations."

Andreas Schneider

Andreas Schneider
"Continuous optimization requires a well-structured organization with space for the development of new solutions. I support the idea of this forum concerning the presentation of new solutions and trends in industry and staffing with conclusive analyses in discussions and networking, because the impetus thereby created becomes the driver for continuing innovation and optimizing in the interests of both parties." 

Mark Day

Mark Day
"Trading borders and barriers no longer exist in the commercial world and the only limit to our business success is our thinking and ability to create and then exploit the future for our organisations. GEN - The Global Executive Network provides a tremendous opportunity for like minded executives to meet and challenge their thinking and extend their insight into the what possibilities exist for the competitive advantage of their organisations. I am proud to be a member of the Professional Council and to help further refine the excellent networking events that operate around the world."

Johannes Mller

Johannes Müller
"Networked thinking is the basis for working in networks.The concept of GEN - The Global Executive Network brings both pieces together and is exactly what decision-makers and people in executive business functions need. As an expert on the Professional Council, I am actively contributing to designing this concept."

Juan Jose Foncillas Rosell

Juan Jose Foncillas Rosell
"GEN - The Global Executive Network has developed a very interesting concept for cross-sector and cross-functional events that offer valuable opportunities for both professional and personal networking. The exchange of experiences with other managers expands my vision and understanding of different sectors. I want to contribute to the Professional Council of GEN - The Global Executive Network by enriching the multicultural, international and cross-sector aspects of networking, three qualities that are going to be more and more crucial as globalization is playing an increasingly bigger role in todays business environment."

Udo Bieletzki

Udo Bieletzki
"The speed with which new trends are converted into Events with drawing power and persuasive content is what attracts me to 'GEN - The Global Executive Network'. As Council member I enjoy working on the designing of Events that offer genuine added value and are an exact fit with the needs of the market." 

Astrid Hamer

Astrid Hamer
„GEN is an exclusive and professionally organized event concept providing valuable impact for my international network. It is a good opportunity to meet relevant executives from different industries and sharing similar challenges. It provides a pleasant atmosphere to discuss specific topics, exchange experiences or to get inspiration for new ideas. I’m looking forward contributing my publishing & media experiences to this excellent concept in GENs Professional Council.”

Manfred Spanner

Manfred Spanner
"To connect to each other, to interchange and to share different kind of information is the most important value in our IT-Business. GEN - The Global Executive Network is the ideal platform to get all this important values to be successful. Not only to get but rather to support and to help others who want to be successful."

Daniel G. Zeidler

Daniel G. Zeidler
"I like the set-up and idea behind the events of GEN - The Global Executive Network - of high level inputs on key trends and break-through ideas to a limited but carefully selected group of people. I am convinced of its concept to ensure a maximum quality level and customer orientation with the support of a network of high level professionals and as proud long-time member I'd like to actively further develop this concept and its range of influence." 

Meinrad W. Zähner

Meinrad W. Zähner
"The Global Executive Network 'GEN' is a unique platform and soundboard to meet with cross-functional and cross-border industry peers to discuss strategic business challenges, industry trends, operational solutions, and to expand their insights for competitive opportunities and advantages for their own organizations. GEN provides a perfect way for expert knowledge exchange, executive networking and time management."

Heike Flster

Heike Fölster
"My very first visit to a 'Global Executive Network' event was enough to persuade me that the idea and the concept were good. Nowhere else I will find this ideal mix of knowledge transfer, networking, and use of time: ideal for managers. As a member of the Professional Council, Id like to work toward the further expansion of this concept." 

Craig Ambler

Craig Ambler
"GEN's approach to networking is a refreshing change. Not only from a 'getting to know you' point of view but from diving straight into ensuring networking, sharing industry experience point of view. Personally I am passionate about ensuring that our industry and the professionals within it drive a collaborate and innovative environment and GEN provides that platform."

Greg Serian

Greg Serian
"GEN provides a tailored environment and format for companies to properly showcase their services and products. Adequate time is allowed for businesses to effectively collaborate with the attendees, all of whom are senior professionals. There is also the added benefit of meeting and networking with like minded peers, to ask questions and share ideas. I look forward to being part of the GEN team and to take GEN to the next level."

German Ramirez

German Ramirez
"In this day and age, companies can win customers over through quality and clarity of thought leadership and value of content. This paired with the opportunity to network with high influencers is a promising combination for current and future market leaders. Precisely this is at the core of the GEN concept. I am pleased to be an active member of their advisory board since years. In my particular case, bringing my marketing and sales but especially digital and social media experience is a great and rewarding way to contribute to this excellent concept!"